learning garden
at Riverview Farm Park
Built in 2002 by Newport News Master Gardeners in coordination with the Newport News Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department, members of the US Navy and local Boy Scouts, the Grin & Grow Learning Garden is located in the heart of Riverview Farm Park next to the playground.
This interactive learning garden is comprised of eight small themed gardens, a large butterfly garden and a native tree grove comprised of a variety of small to large native specimens. Interdisciplinary activities are located on site and signage identifies each space with an interactive activity. Parents will be delighted watching their children relate to the wildlife garden visitors including caterpillars, butterflies, hummingbirds, birds and bees busy at work gathering for and enjoying shelter from the plants throughout the year.
Those seeking a restful
and serene space to sit and enjoy nature will love the artistic benches strategically placed around the garden.
Children and parents are able to interact with Extension Master Gardeners conducting maintenance at the garden throughout the growing season. Programming for children is provided through our Activity Prompts placed throughout the gardens every two weeks. Additionally, our Mobile Help Desk is on site the second Saturday of our warm months between 9:30 am and 12:30 pm.
If you would like to arrange a guided tour of the Learning Garden, please call our office at 757-591-4838 or go to the Contact Us tab on our website: nnmastergardeners.org.
We wish you a happy and educational garden experience!